
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
1 £ 150,0000.002003
10 £ 133,5000.000001
11 £ 225,0000.000003
14 £ 190,0000.000002
16 £ 343,0000.004001
18 £ 335,0000.000001
2 £ 367,5000.000003
22 £ 240,0000.000001
28 £ 114,0000.000001
3 £ 160,0000.003001
32 £ 315,0000.000001
34 £ 150,0000.003001
4 £ 110,7500.000001
5 £ 175,0000.003001
6 £ 438,0000.000003
9 £ 265,0000.003005
9B £ 315,0000.000001
9C £ 322,5000.000002
Brook House, 9A £ 385,0000.000002
Brook Lodge, 7 £ 185,0000.000004
Longbridge £ 410,0000.000001
Sunnyside £ 70,0000.000001
The Bails £ 275,0000.000001
The Bungalow £ 132,6000.000001